Friday, August 7, 2015

One More Book Finished

Quick Note: I finished the Dragon Reborn, and am just about to start the 4th book in the Robert Jordan series. As soon as I sit still. The name has already escaped me.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Plodding Through April

I'm still reading Eye of the World, which is excellent. I just haven't had much free time and it is a slow read (or I'm a slow reader).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Widow's Web

I just finished Widow's Web by Estep. I went to check out the next one in the series, which I had in my hot little hands a few weeks ago, but someone requested it before I finished it. So now there are 2 people ahead of me on the waiting list. I'm thinking of getting a Kindle and not having to deal with libraries anymore.

It the meantime I think I'll read Eye of the World. I'm sorry the author passed away before I knew of his series. So reading it all will be bittersweet.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spider's Revenge

I am about halfway through Spider's Revenge (Elemental Assassins Series). I just put the next book in the series on hold. It is called Thread of Death. The one after that is one the library system doesn't own. I've requested that they buy it. The next one is called By a Thread. My goodness this is a long series. I hope I can make it through. Parts of it are getting very repetitive.

I may buy a Kindle because I'm sick of the whole library system at this point.
See the rest of her series here:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

What's Next on the Must Read List

I finished Renegade's Magic maybe a week ago and haven't started the next book. I keep carrying it around in my knitting bag.  I need to get to it today.

Also, I have been thinking of reading Terry Pratchett books for 2 weeks now, then I heard he'd passed away. How weird that he was in my thoughts before he died.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Venom is the third book in a trilogy I'm reading. I wanted to finish another book first, but then I found out I couldn't renew this one because another patron had it on hold, I found it and finished it in 2 days. Go me. Then I had it in the truck to return to the library and my boyfriend started reading it, and  he decided he wants to finish it, but I had to turn it in. So now he'll have to wait two weeks for it to come back around.

The library didn't even have books 4-7, so they ordered them just for me. So I can't continue on with that series until the library gets them into it's system.  The librarians at the Lucerne Valley Public Library are so good to me.

Venom by Estep

Monday, January 5, 2015

Starting Fresh in 2015

It's a new year and I figured I'd give this reading thing another shot. To simplify my life I'm going to make a static page for the list, because I don't even know how many books I read last year, and I doubt it was even 25, much less 50! So I'll have another blog page with the list so I can keep track at a glance.

Book List 2015