Thursday, September 18, 2014

Witchling: My Newest Read

I finally finished Witch Boy and turned it in. I found out on the last page that it's a trilogy. But I didn't enjoy it enough to keep reading 2 more. I found a lot of it repetitive. I think that is why I kept putting it down.

I just went to the library and picked up Witchling by Yasmine Galenorn. It's also a series. I've only read one chapter and I'm already totally into it. The only reason I stopped was because the sun went down and I was reading outside. I'm hoping this is a quick fun read because I'm way behind.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What is My Thing For Thick Books?

Books I've finished recently: Game of Thrones and Winter's Tale. Both were quite long, so I'm behind.

Right now I'm reading Faery Reel, which is an anthology of fairy stories. I just haven't had a lot of time since starting Give it 100. Working on my other goals takes up the lion's share of my days.

Now Reading the Faery Reel